Saturday, February 8, 2014

Kettering Wooden Boat Rally Feb 2014

Long weekend 8th, 9th & 10th February 2014
Julian's Joy


I arrived at the Kettering Yacht Club just on time. Just in time to start bailing :-)

While the rest of the Kettering Crew headed off to Peppermint Bay for lunch and to meet the "(mini) Tawe Nunnugah 2014" crew at the pub Graeme and I set to bailing the piners punt. Alas the timbers had not had time to take up and we set to for at least an hour of character building bailing interspersed with helpful comments from passers by. 
Peppermint Bay wooden boaters!

We eventually came to the realisation that our efforts and the inflow were about matched and we wisely downed bailers and set forth to Pepermint Bay by car leaving the punt and its timbers to continue their work while we went about ours. (just call us would be punters)

We arrived at Peppermint Bay and were eventually joined by all the sea travelers. There was a bit of a headwind so kayakers like Judy had extra work, nevertheless we were all able to climb the steps to the pub and feast, discuss sails and sailing and perhaps tell tall tales. (if we didn't we should have!)

The Terra Linna paid us a visit, but they turned about off the pier and headed home; we did but see them sailing by....
Terra Linna sailing by..

Then it was back to Kettering by various means.

What can I say - salt sea air, fine friends and wooden boats - is there a better life?

Pining Piners Punt

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